Tuesday, May 28, 2013


This recipe takes NO MORE than 20 minutes to prepare.  It hardly needs to be written!  I have included easy to follow pictures with a few suggestions for amounts included, but honestly, the prep is insanely quick and easy. 

Add this (1 to 1 1/2 cups each) organic celery, carrot, and onion, to one pound of cooked organic ground chicken, turkey, or grass fed organic ground beef.  I often use 4 organic chicken burgers, and break them up in the bottom of the pot as they cook. See photos below.
Add organic beans and organic pasta sauce. (Pasta sauce should be from a glass jar.)The only spice I add is chipotle powder.  (If you  want to add other seasonings, feel free!  Just know that this chili has been called "EPIC CHILI" by some very discriminating eaters.)
Add water as desired to thin out the recipe.  I usually find this is not necessary.

I use organic chicken (or beef) "burgers" that I get in the frozen section at the organic market. You can put them in the bottom of the pot right from the freezer, and break them up, or get about 1 pound of ground organic chicken (or grass fed beef).  Either way, it will take you about 3 minutes to get your meat broken up as you see in the picture below.

 You're done!  Bring the chili to a boil, and then let the chili simmer until the vegetables are tender - this usually means about 10 to 15 minutes.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sheep's hearts cooked in red wine

This is a nice recipe for lamb's or sheep's hearts. Hearts from an adult sheep will need slightly longer cooking than lamb hearts.

To serve 4.

4 lamb or sheep hearts

100 ml table vinegar
2 sprigs fresh thyme (or 1 tsp dried)
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3 laurel leaves
salt and pepper

For cooking:
100 g butter
100 g smoked bacon, finely chopped
10-15 shallots, sliced
1-2 tbsp flour
400-500 ml red wine
100-200 ml water
salt and pepper

200 g whole small mushrooms, sautéed

Cut the fat off the hearts, flush them well under running cold water and cut lengthwise into four parts each. Make the marinade and marinade the heart pieces for 4-6 hours. (I found 4 hours sufficient, but 6 will give a more intense flavour).

Melt the butter in a Dutch oven or deep frying pan. Remove the hearts from the marinade and brown in the butter. Add bacon and onions. Sprinkle the sifted flour into the pan and let it soak up the butter. Add red wine and water, stir to mix well and season with salt and pepper.

Simmer until the hearts are cooked, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Add the sautéed mushrooms and season to taste if necessary. Serve hot.

There are no suggestions as to what to serve with this, but I suggest poached potatoes and a fresh salad and a nice red wine.

I am cooking another heart dish as I type this and will post it if it turns out good.