Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Halibut steaks - Lúðubuff

Here's one way to prepare my favourite fish.

1 1/2 kg. Halibut, whole (or turbot, sole or other flat fish if you can't get halibut)
4 tbs flour
2 tsp salt
1/3 tsp ground pepper
150 g oil, butter or margarine
100 g onion

Take one small, whole halibut. Cut off the head, tail and fins. Scrape off the slime and loose scales under cold, running water. Cut the fish into slices, about as thick as your thumb is wide. Mix together flour, salt and pepper. Coat the slices with flour mixture and fry in the hot fat until done (3-4 minutes on each side). Remove from the pan and arrange the steaks on a serving dish. Slice the onions and brown in the fat, remove and put on top of the fish. Pour some water on the frying pan, roll it around and pour over the fish. Serve with cooked potatoes, green salad and lemon wedges.
-Try grilling the fish steaks: cut into large cubes and thread onto skewers with onion pieces, fresh mushrooms and pieces of red bell pepper (capsicum).

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