Friday, March 14, 2008

*NEW* Food Blog Event

NEW Food Blog Event at Jeenas Kitchen!!!

Hi Everybody,

We will be hosting a brand NEW blog event here at called "KITCHEN DELIGHTS."

Each event will have a different theme, so there will always be something NEW to look forward to each time.

You can enter this FOOD BLOG EVENT whether you are a food blogger or a silent reader of this blog.

The theme of this event is..

Yes, for this event your cooking will be going on vacation! You must cook a dish from a nationality that you have never cooked before:

1. Cook an authentic recipe from a different countries cuisine to your own.

2. Cook any recipe that is using another countries ingredients that you would not normally use.

3. Theme a dish around another countries cuisine.

We all have our set few styles of cooking inspired by different countries around the world, for this event I want everybody to look even further and make that dish you always wondered about but never did.

We can all learn so much from each other when it comes to cooking so lets get truly International in our kitchens and send our home cooking on vacation!

To enter this event....

1. If you have a blog link back to this page so that others can join in. Feel free to use either of the logos above.

2. Email me at askjeena@googlemail (dot) com with a photo of your finished dish and a few words about it.....for exsample, what your countries theme is and why to picked it.

3. This event starts on 20th March and finishes on the 20th April, I will announce the round up on and

4. All names will be placed into a hat and we will pick out a name LIVE by video, the name picked out will get a free kitchen reward!

So lets get cooking and all join in the fun at this NEW Kitchen Delights Food Event.

Check out food event news, food blog news, new food recipes, make new friends and much more at jeenas new cooking food recipe forum it is free and easy to join so come on over!

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