Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A trip down memory lane....Cooking Event!

What is the one dish that reminds you of your nanna or your aunt? What about that dish your father used to cook you or the dish you always ate with friends when you were younger?

Which dish reminds you of a holiday or trip somewhere special?

For this food cooking event I want you to cook a dish that reminds you of a place or of a person, maybe a family event or a breakfast your mother always cooked, maybe a dessert you ate on a romantic date or bedtime snack your mum or nanna would cook?

This event starts from June 21st 08 and ends on July 21st 08.

To enter this event see the 3 simple steps below :-

1. Cook a recipe that reminds you of a person or event from the past and state why ( you do not have to give too much detail, it is just nice to know why you chose the dish).

2. Send an email to jeenaskitchenevents (at) gmail (dot) com with your name, blogs name, recipe name, URL of post, and a picture of your recipe preferably 250 x 250 in size if possible. If you do not have a blog you can still join in.

3. You can cook savoury or sweet recipes as you desire. If a savoury dish is too be entered using meat please send fish, seafood, poultry or red meat only. Thanks.

4. Link to this page so that other people can enter. Feel free to add the use the logo.

I look forward to putting my apron on and taking a trip down memory lane with you all. :-)

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