Monday, May 18, 2009

Naan Bread Recipe (How to make naan bread)

How to make naan bread

Chefs naan bread recipe is simple to bake and taste fantastic with any curry or daal recipe.

You can use plain all purpose flour or white spelt flour - both turn out delicious.

Like wise you can use most milks with this recipe and which ever choice of yogurt you like - in other words it can be milk yogurt or soya yogurt by choice not (flavoured yogurts).

This naan bread recipe takes less than 10 minutes to bake in the oven sometimes 5 minutes if the oven is very hot.

There is something really satisfying about baking fresh naan breads, they are easy to make and because you eat them fresh and warm from the oven you feel like a real homemaker.

Why not taste Chef Jeenas tasty naan breads for yourself next time you cook a delicious curry recipe?

Ingredients for Naan Bread Recipe

2 large cups Plain Flour
3 Tbsp Fresh Yogurt
1 Sachet Instant Yeast (7g)
1 Tbsp Oil
1 tsp Salt
1 + 1/2 tsp Sugar
1/4 cup Milk
drop Hot Water

Picture of how easy the freshly baked naan bread tears in half to reveal a soft bread pocket inside.

How to make Naan Bread

Mix all of the dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Make a little well in the centre of the dry mixture and add the oil and yogurt - do not mix yet.

Take the milk and very carefully pour in tiny drops of hot water until the milk is tepid (warm not hot).

Add the milk little by little into the flour mixture until you get a dough - knead very well.

Cover the bowl with a clean damp tea towel or plastic wrap and keep in a warm place until it doubles in size - usually 30 minutes.

Knead slightly and cut the naan bread dough into pieces and roll each piece of dough into an oval shape.

The thinner you roll out the bread dough the quicker it will cook.

Place naan breads onto a greased and floured baking tray and place into a hot oven at 230C or Gas mark 9 for 5-10 minutes until cooked.

Remove from the tray straight away and serve warm.

Try wrapping the naan breads in a clean tea towel or tin foil to keep warm for your meal.

You can serve plain or with a knob of butter/margarine.

Enjoy Chef Jeenas naan bread recipe.

Also see Chefs step-by-step recipes below:

Curry recipes
page 1

Curry recipes page 2

Onion bhaji recipe

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