Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Health benefits of vitamin C

Nutrition is very important for good health as is knowing the health benefits of Vitamin C.

Our bodies need a multitude of vitamins and minerals to survive, one very important nutrient is vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that our bodies need.

Not only does vitamin c play an important role in warding of colds, it plays a crucial role in preventing heart attacks and strokes.

A lot of people think that by drinking some fresh orange juice daily that this is enough vitamin c nutritionally, this could very well be incorrect, read on to learn more about Vitamin C.

Pictures of red berries, kiwis, oranges, black berries, apples, grapefruits and capsicums.

How can Vitamin C help prevent heart attacks and strokes?

According to Dr Linus Pauling and Dr Mathias Roth, firstly it is important to understand why animals do not have heart attacks but humans do.

The main difference between the metabolism of humans and animals is that the body reservoir of vitamin c in people is 10 - 100 times lower than the vitamin c in animals.

Animals have a constant supply of vitamin c - humans do not.

With a few exceptions, animals produce their own vitamin c within their own bodies. Vitamin C is produced in the liver of the animal, unlike humans, our bodies do not produce any vitamin c, our vitamin c levels totally depend on how much vitamin c rich food we eat.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is a co factor for many biochemical reactions within the body.

Strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C has the ability to increase collagen, elastin and other molecules within the body.

Collagen has the same structural stability function for our bodies as iron reinforcement rods for a sky scraper building.

Collagen stabilises the walls of our arteries, veins and capillaries.

The correct intake of vitamin c leads to optimum production and function of collagen in the artery walls, a stable blood vessel does not allow atherosclerotic deposits (plaque made up of cholesterol and some other substances) to develop.

Total depletion of vitamin c in the body leads to a gradual breakdown of the body's connective tissue, including the blood vessel walls.

This is the case in extreme scurvy to which thousands of sailors died from blood loss leaking through their artery walls. The sailors then took citrus fruits (vitamin c) on board the ships to help prevent scurvy, this is where the term limeys comes from.

Although the average human diet contains enough vitamin c to prevent full blown scurvy, it is not enough to prevent heart disease and strokes which develop over time.

As a consequence of lack of vitamin c in the body, millions of tiny cracks and lesions develop in the artery walls. Cholesterol and other risk factors then enter the damaged artery walls in order to repair these cracks and lesions.

When there is no collagen that vitamin c produces, your body then uses cholesterol to 'fix' your damaged arteries.

Basically with no collagen protecting your blood vessels your body uses cholesterol and other substances to pave the walls of your arteries to prevent blood leaking. Over many years this 'repairing' overcompensates and fatty deposits develop in the arteries eventually causing heart attacks or strokes if in the arteries that lead to the brain.

Although this develops over a period of time young people should not take this for granted as these problems can start to develop as early as in your thirties.

Taking care of your diet earlier on can help prevent further complications later in life, remember life is short.

Vitamin c is a water soluble vitamin, therefore it is easily excreted out of the body and does not store in the body in excess.

Butternut squash are high in Vitamin C and also Vitamin A, winter squashes contain B Vitamins, Manganese, Potassium and Copper which are all important for heart health and more.

More facts on Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that works well in combination with other vital vitamins including Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Antioxidants are vital for fighting carcinogens in the body, carcinogens destroy healthy cells in the body which can lead to cancer and other diseases.

Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron which eliminates anemia.

Vitamin C stimulates white blood cells which are needed for protection against viruses and cancer cells, it protects DNA damage.

Vitamin C detoxifies the liver by flushing out toxins caused by pollution and other factors.

It helps defend your body against colds by stimulating the immune system.

It helps prevent inflammatory conditions such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

It helps keeps bones, skin and joints strong.

Vitamin C produces anti-stress hormones.

Kiwi fruit is high in vitamin C.

Almost half of the vitamin c content in an apple is just under the skin.

Even spinach contains Vitamin C.

Fresh oranges
are a good source of vitamin c.

Grapefruits are a fantastic source of Vitamin C.

Fruit and vegetable sources high in Vitamin C

Peppers (capsicums)
Mustard greens

and many more..

More fruit and vegetable sources of Vitamin C

Sweet potato

and many more...

Bell peppers (capsicums) contain more Vitamin C than oranges, kiwis and grapefruit put together.

Raw peppers are a fantastic addition to any salad, meal or snack and an easy way of getting a good dose of vitamins into your diet.

Red peppers are very sweet in taste so perfect for a quick snack.

We all need Vitamin C

Including more fruit and vegetables into your diet can only benefit your health.

Remember that the ability to be able to walk into a supermarket and choose all of the different foods that you see (especially processed foods) is only a new thing.

Human beings have achieved so much, we have built and developed the world that we now live in, but humans are still a species on the earth just like other animals, we may have changed in some ways but our bodies have stayed the same, the mechinisms of our bodies still work the same.

Animals still need to eat and drink the same to survive now just as they ever have, are humans so much different?

Our bodies still need vitamins and minerals to live, nourishment we can get from the food we eat.

It is possible to enjoy different indulgent foods in moderation, but don't abandon important vitamins such as vitamin c from your diet.

Vitamin C has a important role to play in protecting your body.

Black and red currants contain Vitamin C.

Another exellent reason to eat fruit and vegetables high in Vitamin C is that fruits and vegetables contain a multitude of vitamins and minerals that all work together to help keep us healthy.

When you eat fruit and vegetables for Vitamin C you will be feeding your body with other important nutrients at the same time.

Be healthy and eat more fruit and vegetables high in Vitamin C.

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