Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blueberry and Apple Cake and Pudding Recipe

Is this an apple cake recipe? ... a blueberry cake recipe?... an apple pudding recipe?... or a blueberry pudding recipe?

This is a delicious recipe that produces two wonderful sweet fruity treats from one dish.

I use lots of fruit and a very thick cake batter that is almost like a cookie dough. On top I dust fine corn meal and sugar to give the outer layer and edges of the cake a crumbly biscuit crust.

Hot out of the oven this recipe can be eaten as a blueberry and apple pudding served with freshly made custard; it tastes absolutely fantastic.

Once cooled down my unique sweet is a blueberry and apple cake recipe. The crust and outer edge is much like a biscuit or cookie texture and the cake filling is moist from the fruit inside.

My blueberry and apple cake and pudding recipe is so simple to bake, fabulous to taste and great to serve to family and friends.

Pictures of blueberry and apple cake recipe.

Pictures of blueberry and apple pudding recipe with freshly made custard.

Ingredients for Blueberry and Apple Cake and Pudding Recipe
4 Small Apples
200g Fresh Blueberries
3oz Light Brown Muscovado Sugar

4oz Sunflower Margarine

1 Egg

8oz Self Raising Flour

1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
Pinch Cinnamon Powder

Fine Cornmeal (for dusting)

How to make a Blueberry and Apple Cake and Pudding Recipe

Peel the apples. Carefully use a knife or vegetable peeler to take thin slices off each of the apples.

Cream together the margarine and sugar.

Add egg, vanilla and flour, mix well.

You should be left with a very thick cake batter that is almost like a cookie mixture.

Grease and flour a flan or cake tin.

Evenly place all of the thin sliced apple pieces on the bottom of the cake tin.

Evenly spread the thick cake batter on top of the apples, you should be able to use your hands to do this.

Sprinkle with a little cinnamon.

Take a blueberry and push it into the centre of the cake.

Spread the other blueberries outwards until you have filled out the whole top of the cake.

Take a few spoonfuls of fine corn meal powder and dust the whole top of the blueberry cake.

Sprinkle some light brown sugar on top of the fine cornmeal powder.

Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon on top of the sugar.

Place into a hot oven at 180C for 25 minutes.

When the cake /pudding is ready you can serve it hot straight away with fresh custard or leave it to cool down slice and eat as a cake.

Enjoy Jeenas delicious blueberry and apple cake and pudding recipe.

For more tasty cake recipes see my cake recipe index page

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