Monday, July 28, 2008

Gluten Free Jam Tart Recipe

Jam tarts are a comfort food, they are so easy to bake and ultimately tasty.

For my jam tart recipe I used my delicious sweet gluten free pastry and strawberry jam. Traditionally short crust pastry is used to make jam tarts.

The pastry is sweet crunchy and so very more-ish with a sticky jam centre; delicious.

Ingredients for Jam Tart Recipe
Jeenas Gluten Free Sweet Pastry Recipe
Strawberry or Raspberry Jam

How to Make Jeenas Gluten Free Jam Tarts

Roll out some of the sweet gluten free pastry 1-2 cm thick.

Use a medium crinkled biscuit cutter to cut circles from the pastry.

Grease and flour a jam tart tray or a fairy cake oven tray.

Place the circles of sweet pastry onto the tray.

Take a teaspoon and carefully place approximately one teaspoon of jam into the middle of each pastry case.

Do not over fill the pastry case with jam because the jam melts and spreads in the oven.

Place into a hot oven at 180C for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.

Once cooked leave to cool slightly before removing the jam tarts, hot jam is very hot so do not touch the jam straight out of the oven.

Place tarts onto a cooling rack until ready to serve.

Enjoy Jeenas delicious gluten free jam tart recipe.

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