Monday, December 22, 2008

KHAO PHAT KRATIEM (Garlic Fried Rice)



Left over rice, at room temperature 1 1/2 cup
Vegetable oil 1/4 cup
Garlic, chopped 3 tbsp.
Egg 1 whole
Spring onions, chopped 6
Butter 1 tbsp.
Japanese soy sauce 3 tbsp.
Salt/pepperTotaste (1 servings)

1. Heat oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add chopped garlic and stirfry until almost golden.
2. Add rice to the frying pan and stirfry rice until hot and well mixed.
3. Create space at the center of the pan. Add butter to the space and when melted, crack an egg into the space and scramble it. Mix the rice with the egg and stirfry to evenly distribute the egg.
4. Add Japanese soy, salt and pepper to season. Before serving the fried rice, add the chopped green onions and mix together. Serve hot as a side dish to accompany the main courses.

This dish is also an import but very popular and very familiar with most visitors to Thailand. lt is important to use left over rice to make fried rice or else your rice will be soggy. It's avery good way to use left over rice.


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