Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vegan Shortcrust Pastry Recipe

If you can buy a good vegan margarine vegan baking can be made very simple and tasty.

My vegan shortcrust recipe tastes great and has a lovely pastry texture.

I use white spelt flour in this pastry recipe but plain all purpose flour can be used. White spelt flour is much finer in texture and produces fabulous pastry whether it be vegan or not.

Ingredients for Vegan Sweet Shortcrust Pastry Recipe

8oz White Spelt Flour
2 tsp Sugar
3oz Sunflower Margarine
Cold Water
Pinch Salt

How to make Vegan Shortcrust Pastry

Mix together sugar, flour and salt.

Add margarine and rub together using your finger tips to produce a bread crumb texture, you can also use a mixer instead.

Keep adding tiny drops of cold water to bring the pastry mixture into a dough.

Make sure you stir the mixture well inbetween adding each drop of water to be sure you do not add too much water.

Cover the vegan shortcrust pastry and refridgerate for 10 minutes.

Enjoy using Chef Jeenas vegan shortcrust pastry.

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